Sunday, February 24, 2008


The Sacred land of India has been witness to the lives of countless siddhas , seers, saints, sages, and enlightened beings. The Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple, situated in Coimbatore, India, is very much a part of this glorious tradition.

Dhyanalinga is the distilled essence of yogic science. It does not ascribe to any particular belief or faith. It does not require any pooja or worship. Just sitting silently for few minutes within the sphere of Dhyanalinga is enough to make even those unaware of meditation experience a state of deep meditativeness and feel the divine energy that overflows from this glorious form.

Dhyanalinga was consecrated by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, a realized master, mystic and yogi, after three years of intense process of prana prathista. Measuring 13' 9", Dhyanalinga is the largest mercury based live linga in the world. In the metaphysical sense, Dhyanalinga is a guru, an energy center of tremendous proportions. All the aspects of life are enshrined in the form of seven chakras energized to the very peak and locked. A doorway to enlightenment and spiritual liberation, Dhyanalinga offers a sadhaka the opportunity to perform sadhana in utmost intimacy with a live guru, - an opportunity which is traditionally available to a select few.

Situated at the foothills of the Velliangiri Mountains, Dhyanalinga is a colossal entity of eternal vibrations. The earth colors, the natural granite, and the fusion of irregular surfaces and shapes that form the Temple creates an ethereal ambience and an apt atmosphere to receive the grace of the Dhyanalinga.

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The word ‘Isha’

The word ‘Isha’
means the formless primordial source of creation

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